June 27, 2024
min read

The ROI of Automation in SMEs and Corporates - Part 2

In part 1 we’ve taken a look at what factors you need to take into account when thinking about the implementation of workflow automation. Calculating the ROI for automation projects requires a detailed breakdown of both costs and benefits, and there is a significant chance that you will not get the numbers exactly right.

Marc Meyer

Don’t worry though, as there is room for error in these calculations and you can also judge the impact over the years by more than just the monetary component. Next to factors such as the time saved on processes, there are also factors that are less easily quantified but should be taken into account when making your final decision. Employee and client satisfaction being the most important ones, as losing good members of your team or clients due to stress or overcomplicated processes might be even more pressing than the amount at the bottom of the line.

Example Calculation for a Company

Best Practices for Maximizing Automation ROI

Want to ensure your automation project is a success? Follow these best practices.

Thorough Planning and Feasibility Analysis

Before jumping in, conduct a detailed feasibility analysis. Understand your current processes, identify bottlenecks, and assess whether automation can effectively address these issues.

Detailed Process Mapping

Map out your existing processes in detail to identify areas where automation can have the most significant impact. This involves analyzing each step of the process, understanding the time and cost involved, and identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies that automation can address. 

Effective Implementation and Change Management

Smooth implementation requires clear communication and effective change management. Ensure your team is on board and adequately trained to work with new systems. Find a partner that knows how to uncover opportunities, conceptualize and build them and finally implement them in such a way that teams will actually embrace and use the tools in their day-to-day tasks. 

Stakeholder Engagement

Engage all stakeholders early and often. This includes not only the employees who will be using the new systems but also management, IT, and even customers. Clear communication about the benefits and changes helps to manage expectations and reduce resistance. Automation isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Continuous monitoring and optimization are crucial to adapt to changing business needs and technological advancements.

Performance Metrics

Establish clear performance metrics to monitor the effectiveness of your automation systems. Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the systems are delivering the expected benefits. Your automation efforts should align with your broader business goals. Whether it's improving customer satisfaction, reducing costs, or enhancing product quality, make sure automation is driving you towards your strategic objectives.

Strategic Alignment

Ensure that your automation strategy is aligned with your overall business strategy. This involves setting clear objectives for what you want to achieve with automation and ensuring that these objectives support your broader business goals. (That means that even after implementation, you have to keep )


Calculating the ROI of automation is essential for making informed, strategic decisions. By understanding the costs and benefits, and applying best practices, businesses can harness the power of automation to drive growth and innovation. Don’t let the complexity of ROI calculations deter you – a thoughtful, thorough approach will pay off in the long run.

Eli5 is uniquely positioned to guide both big and small companies through the complexities of automation. Our approach begins with the "Discover" phase, ensuring that we fully understand your business processes, goals, and potential pain points before diving into development. This meticulous discovery process helps prevent unexpected costs from ballooning later in the project. By taking the time to map out every detail and align our automation strategies with your specific needs, we set the stage for a smooth implementation that maximizes ROI from the outset.

Whether you are a large corporation with extensive processes or a smaller enterprise with a limited budget, Eli5 offers scalable automation solutions tailored to fit any financial plan. Our expertise spans from deploying advanced AI-driven systems for complex tasks to implementing simple, cost-effective tools that automate daily operations. We believe that the benefits of automation—such as improved efficiency, reduced labor costs, and enhanced accuracy—should be accessible to all businesses, regardless of size or budget. This inclusive approach ensures that every company can leverage the power of automation to stay competitive and drive growth.

Imagine what automating repetitive tasks and streamlining your processes could mean for your business. How much time and resources could be saved? What new opportunities could be unlocked with the extra capacity? Eli5 invites you to explore these possibilities and consider the profound impact automation could have on your operations and your life. What could you achieve with the right automation strategy in place? How might it transform your day-to-day work, your team's productivity, and your overall business success? The answers could redefine your company's future.

Marc Meyer

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